The ladies of NorthStar Christian Center are vital to the life of the Body. Our ladies offer warmth, compassion, care, and nurturing on a daily basis in their homes, neighborhoods and in service to the Body. We desire to see every lady healthy, whole, functioning in her God given purpose so that the Body of believers at NorthStar is nurtured and grown in a healthy way.
Click here to learn more about The Center for Women at NorthStar.
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At NorthStar Christian Center we desire the men of this church to be productive disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ by impacting people in their realm of influence by being men of integrity, encountering God in our worship services, connecting and building healthy relationships with other men, and to serve the church in their area of interest and/or giftedness.
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God deserves all the glory and honor. We believe that our worship opens our hearts to see the evidence of God’s presence in our lives. Worship lets us celebrate God’s goodness and show our gratitude for His faithfulness. We live to glorify His name in everything we do. Our worship team (NSWorship) offers serving opportunities in areas such as music, dance, drama, media, and choir. |
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Globally - As a church, we focus our missions giving towards individual missionaries. These men and women are people the Lord has connected relationally to our church family and in whom we acknowledge a call and gifting for reaching the world. We support efforts in Dominican Republic, Israel, Kenya, Nicaragua, Sri-Lanka and Poland.
Locally - As a church, we support ministries that share our heart to impact the city of Columbia through practical acts of service or values education. We support Cooperative Ministry, Daybreak Pregnancy Center, Family Honor, God's Storehouse, Sam Elisha Ministries, Serenity Church Charlotte, Wycliffe and Youth With A Mission.
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